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Amplivox PC850 Portable PC Based Automatic Audiometer


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PC-based automatic screening audiometer

The leading PC-based audiometer that provides a customised and flexible solution for all screening audiometry requirements within occupational health and safety critical roles.

As well as automatic categorisation, the instrument is supplied with an audiometric database (Audibase) that can provide statistical analysis on both an individual and user defined group basis.

The device can be integrated directly with many leading Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems including Cority, Eopas, G2 and Cohort to provide a seamless audiometric test function.


Comprehensive testing

The PC850 screening audiometer is a reliable choice for occupational health professionals who require a vast range of screening modes. It includes automatic (computer / Békésy) and manual operation options to measure and assess hearing thresholds in accordance with safety critical hearing standards. It also has configurable options so the test can be customised to the users’ specific requirements, ensuring accurate and efficient testing.


Key features

Automatic and manual test modes (inc. Békésy test)
HSE categorisation
Unique educational and assessment tools
Extensive data analysis and trending
Communication channel
Third-party EMR connectivity
Intuitive and ergonomic design
Compact, lightweight and portable

EMR connectivity

Offering seamless PC connectivity, the PC850 includes our Audibase data management software, allowing all test results to be stored and available for future review in a single application. Extensive data and trend analysis provides business intelligence to support the delivery of a successful hearing conservation programme and identify at risk individuals.

The PC850 can also be interfaced to a number of leading OH Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems to provide a paperless and seamless health screening programme that maximises workflow efficiencies.


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